Tyson RotichPoultry Farming

Tyson Rotich is a member of Juhudi’s Kaplong Vision Group. He is among 22 other farmers who have been taking loans with Juhudi Kilimo for years now.
Tyson developed passion for agribusiness during his early age and after completing his high school education in 2004, he tried his hand on a few projects on his family’s farm. He started off with rearing a few chicken as a past time in his mother’s compound.
In 2004, he took a loan from Juhudi Kilimo for poultry farming in his mother’s compound. He realized that many people are rearing chicken in Litein but from his findings, hybrid chicken were most popular and that indigenous chicken popularly known as ‘Kienyeji’ are cheaper, simple to rear, resistant to common poultry diseases and are profitable in the market.
Rotich currently owns Chemaluk farm and has a vision of being a reputable poultry, rabbit and fish breeder and supplier of large quantities of eggs, rabbit and fish meat to the market.
Tyson won the CITI Microfinance award in 2015 under the agricultural entrepreneur category.