Sylvia Gakiiru – NkubuDairy and Mixed Farming
Sylvia has been a subsistence farmer for as long as the people in her home area can remember. In 2008, she was referred to Juhudi Kilimo by a family friend. Determined to uplift herself from the struggles that are associated with farming with limited access to financial services, she took interest in the company and learnt how they could be of great benefit to her business.
They formed a group with other community members and after the initial training provided by Juhudi Kilimo, she applied for a loan of Ksh 29,200 that was spent on irrigation pipes. Sylvia saw more growth potential in her business and applied for other loans to expand her tea and fodder farming and also set up a biogas plant, acquired 2 dairy cows and 10 pigs. Currently, she has 7 dairy cows, 3 calves and sells piglets. Sylvia’s plan is to venture into poultry farming and purchase a generator for her egg incubator. She also intends to purchase a biogas tube to store the fuel.