Regina Muruira – MeruDairy Farming

Regina, a dedicated mother and dairy farmer, first heard about Juhudi Kilimo in 2007 through a referral.
She then saw an opportunity to improve her business by enrolling and applying for financial assistance and together with four other people, they formed a group which later on expanded to 15 members.
With her first loan of Ksh 30,000, she bought a cow and the necessary animal feed. The cow generated enough income for her to clear her debt and like any other farmer who strives for maximum yields and returns, she applied for more loans in order to expand her business and purchased a chaff cutter, leased a farm, grew grass and installed a biogas plant.
Regina’s livelihood is dependent on dairy farming and she always refers other subsistence farmers who are interested in achieving similar levels of success to Juhudi Kilimo.